Perennial Green
Quick Germination, excellent for patch and repair jobs
Stadium Grade Seed
Year round effectiveness
Suited for a range of soil types and climates
Quick Germination, excellent for patch and repair jobs
Stadium Grade Seed
Year round effectiveness
Suited for a range of soil types and climates
Quick Germination, excellent for patch and repair jobs
Stadium Grade Seed
Year round effectiveness
Suited for a range of soil types and climates
Our specially curated blend of high-quality perennial rye grass varieties is designed to provide a resilient and striking green lawn.
Our seed mix is carefully crafted to establish a thick, dense turf that not only enhances the beauty of your outdoor space but also outcompetes weeds, ensuring a pristine lawn year-round.
Whether you're renovating your existing lawn or starting from scratch, our Rye Grass Seed Mix offers quick germination, excellent disease resistance, and exceptional wear tolerance.
Achieve the lawn of your dreams with ease – sow the seeds of beauty, resilience, and enduring greenness with our Rye Grass Seed Mix!
Your lawn deserves the best, and our premium seed blend delivers unparalleled results for a picture-perfect home landscape
Over sowing rate: 25 gms / m2
Sowing Rate 25 - 50 gms / m2
“Seed germinated within 10 days. Blended in to my lawn perfectly.”
James Chan.
Product Details
Weight 2.55 Kg
Dimension 31 x 24 x 8
Period of Use All Year Round
Product Type Seed
Area of Use Suitable for all grass and soils
Packaging Pouch
Resealable Yes
Safety Non hazardous
Perennial Green Grass Seed
Wear protective gloves and glasses
Mow the lawn prior to application.
Split the bag into equal parts. Apply lengthways followed by the other half widthways for best coverage
Sweep excess granules off paving stones to prevent staining.
Water in after application or apply before rainfall